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Periodontics in Leesburg, VA

Woman after aesthetic service
Harmony Dental Center of Leesburg provides periodontics in Leesburg, VA. Call 703-779-7779 to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What is Periodontics?

Periodontics is a term that covers procedures intended to combat gum disease. Gum disease is becoming increasingly common in patients over age 65, but younger patients can also develop this condition if they have inconsistent oral health habits.

Gum disease happens when the gums become infected or inflamed. Excessive plaque build-up, tartar, and food particles (especially below the gum line) cause the gums to separate from the tooth surface. It creates deep periodontal pockets where infection takes hold.

If periodontal pockets do not receive prompt treatment, they could expose the root and bone structure, weakening it to the point of tooth loss.

CAD/CAM Restorations

Benefits of Periodontics

Reduces Discomfort Periodontal issues can lead to uncomfortable feelings in the teeth and gums. Periodontics improves tender, sore, and swollen gums and teeth sensitivity caused by exposed roots.

Treats Bad Breath Periodontal disease often leads to severe bad breath. Periodontic treatment helps to clear lingering infections, allowing the mouth to recover.

Reduces Risk of General Health Problems Researchers link periodontal disease with serious general health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and preterm birth.

Saves Teeth The end stages of periodontal disease often involve tooth loss, as the gum and jawbone break down to the point where they cannot support the teeth. Periodontal treatment can stave off the risk of tooth loss and preserve your smile.

Procedures Offered

Periodontal Maintenance Therapy

Periodontal Maintenance Program

Patients with periodontal disease need maintenance every three to four months. These therapy sessions clean the teeth above and below the gum line, slowing the progress of periodontal disease and prolonging the useful life of your teeth. The procedure is also known as a perio cleaning or deep cleaning.

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and Root Planing

We offer non-surgical Phase I treatment for periodontal disease. Scaling and root planing help to reduce the size and severity of periodontal pockets, allowing healthy gums to reattach to the root surface. They are excellent frontline treatments to combat periodontal disease.

Why Choose Harmony Dental Center of Leesburg?

We provide expert treatment for conditions like periodontal disease in a friendly, relaxing setting. We can help to control your gum condition and preserve your natural teeth as long as possible while increasing your comfort.

Frequently Asked Questions About Periodontics

What are the trouble signs that may indicate that I have gum disease?
Gum disease first presents as gingivitis. This condition starts with tender, swollen gums that bleed when brushed or flossed. The disease progresses through several phases with symptoms like gum discomfort, gum discoloration, bad breath, more space between teeth, loose teeth, and tooth loss.
Can I cure periodontal disease?
Once periodontal disease has progressed beyond gingivitis, you can only control it, not reverse it. However, if you keep up with a regular periodontal care regimen, you can often prevent some of the disease's worst effects.
Can periodontal disease be prevented?
Fortunately, periodontal disease is highly preventable. Follow a consistent oral health routine, including brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, and visiting the dentist for all recommended cleanings and exams. You can prevent gingivitis from taking hold and progressing into periodontal disease.
Can I remove tartar at home?
Only a dentist or hygienist using specialized tools can remove tartar.
Only a dentist or hygienist using specialized tools can remove tartar.
Scaling removes plaque and tartar to prevent bacterial toxins from damaging your gums and jawbone. Root planing smooths the root surface to allow the newly healthy gums to reattach and shrink the periodontal pockets. If your dentist recommends scaling and root planing, you risk developing advanced periodontal disease. Scaling and root planing can keep the condition in check, even if they cannot reverse it.

Call Harmony Dental Center of Leesburg

Scaling and root planing are your first defense if you need periodontal treatment. We provide these services in the comfort of our office. Please call us at 703-779-7779 for more information on periodontal disease and how to control it.

Harmony Dental Center of Leesburg

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19461 Golf Vista Plaza
Leesburg, VA 20176

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